Dobsonian Vs Cassegrain | What’s the Difference?




Dobsonian Vs Cassegrain


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The major difference between Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes is that the Cassegrain telescopes are catadioptric while the Dobsonian telescopes are reflectors. This means that Cassegrain uses both lenses and mirrors to reflect light, while Dobsonian only uses mirrors. Also, a Dobsonian telescope has a wider main aperture than a Cassegrain telescope.

If you’re a telescope enthusiast, then you’ve probably heard of both Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes. But what’s the difference?

In this blog post, I will discuss the pros and cons of each type of telescope, so you can decide which is right for you.

The Differences Between Dobsonian and Cassegrain

There are many differences between Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes. Here are some of them:


Dobsonian telescopes are usually reflectors, while Cassegrain telescopes are catadioptric. A reflector telescope uses mirrors to gather light, while a refractor telescope uses lenses.

Reflectors are generally cheaper than refractors.

How they work

A Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope used lenses and mirrors to gather and focus light. The telescope uses mirrors to gather light and then uses lenses to focus the light.

This type of telescope is very compact, making it ideal for travel.


Dobsonian telescopes are usually larger than Cassegrain telescopes. This is because Dobsonian telescopes use mirrors to gather light, while Cassegrain telescopes use lenses.

Mirrors are generally larger than lenses. The contact lenses have been used to remove any aberrations in the light that is being gathered.

Light enters the telescope through its main aperture. It then goes through a corrector lens which helps to remove any aberrations in the light. After that, it hits a primary mirror.

The primary mirror reflects the light towards a secondary mirror. The secondary mirror then reflects the light back through a hole in the primary mirror and into the eyepiece.

This type of telescope is very compact and easy to use.

A Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope works just like a Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope. However, it has a convex corrector lens, unlike the spherical lens of the Maksutov-Cassegrain.

A Dobsonian telescope uses mirrors to gather and focus light. There is, however, a focuser lens located near the eyepiece.

The focuser lens helps remove any aberrations in the light being gathered. 

Light enters the telescope through its main aperture. It hits the primary mirror and is then reflected towards the secondary mirror.

The secondary mirror reflects the light back through a hole in the primary mirror and into the focuser lens. From there, it goes into the eyepiece.

Focal Length

Another key difference between Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes is focal length. Dobsonian telescopes have shorter focal lengths than Cassegrain telescopes.

This means that the field of view for Dobsonian telescopes is wider. Cassegrain telescopes have longer focal lengths, which gives them a narrower field of view but higher magnification power.

Light Collection

Dobsonian telescopes come with wider apertures. This means that they can gather more light than Cassegrain telescopes.

More light means better images. However, when it comes to accuracy and clarity, Cassegrain telescopes are better. This is because they have longer focal lengths.


In general, Dobsonian telescopes are often lighter than Cassegrain telescopes. This is because Dobsonian telescopes have shorter focal lengths and use only mirrors, unlike the lenses and mirrors used in a Cassegrain telescope.


It is easier to manufacture Dobsonian telescopes than Cassegrain telescopes. This is because Dobsonian telescopes have fewer parts. As a result, Dobsonian telescopes are often cheaper than Cassegrain telescopes.


One of the main advantages of Dobsonian telescopes is that they are very easy to use. They are also very stable, which makes them ideal for long-exposure photography.

On the other hand, Cassegrain telescopes are not as easy to use. They are also not as stable, which makes them less ideal for long-exposure photography.

Altazimuth Mount

This is another key difference between Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes. Dobsonian telescopes always come with an altazimuth mount.

This type of mount is very easy to use and is great for beginners. Cassegrain telescopes, on the other hand, usually come with a fork mount.

Fork mounts are more difficult to use, but they offer better stability.

Image Brightness

I should also mention that Dobsonian telescopes usually provide brighter images than Cassegrain telescopes. This is because they have wider apertures.

Also, Dobsonian telescopes can be used with shorter exposure times, contributing to brighter images.

There you have it. These are some of the differences between the Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes.

Note, however, that this list isn’t exhaustive. You may still find a few more differences, especially in the physical features of these two types of telescopes.

Dobsonian Vs. Cassegrain: The Pros and Cons

Now that we have looked at the key differences between Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes, it’s time to consider their pros and cons.

Dobsonian Telescope Pros

Here are some of the things that make the Dobsonian telescope stand out:

Very easy to use

If you are a beginner looking to get into astronomy, then the Dobsonian telescope is a great choice. They are very easy to use and require little to no assembly.

You can set them up in just a few minutes.

More Affordable

Dobsonian telescopes are also very affordable. This is because they are relatively simple to manufacture.

You do not have to spend much money to get a Dobsonian telescope.

Great for long-exposure photography

Dobsonian telescopes are also great for long-exposure photography. This is because they are very stable.

The altazimuth mount that comes with most Dobsonian telescopes also contributes to this stability.

Image brightness

As mentioned earlier, Dobsonian telescopes usually provide brighter images than Cassegrain telescopes. This is because they have wider apertures.

Planetary observation

Features such as a wider field of view make the Dobsonian telescope ideal for planetary observation.

Dobsonian Telescope Cons

However, the Dobsonian telescope also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of:

Not as accurate or clear as a Cassegrain telescope

Although Dobsonian telescopes have wider apertures, they are not as accurate or clear as Cassegrain telescopes. This is because Cassegrain telescopes use both lenses and mirrors, which makes them more complex.

Not very portable

A Dobsonian telescope is not very portable. This is because they are usually larger in size than Cassegrain telescopes.

Cassegrain Telescope Pros

And now, here are some of the things that make the Cassegrain telescope stand out:

Better magnification

A Cassegrain telescope will usually provide better magnification than a Dobsonian telescope. This is because they have longer focal lengths.

More accurate and clear images

Cassegrain telescopes also tend to provide more accurate and clear images than Dobsonian telescopes. This is because they use both lenses and mirrors, which makes them more complex.


Another advantage of the Cassegrain telescope is that it is more portable than the Dobsonian telescope. This is because they are usually smaller in size.

Good for city use

Since Cassegrain telescopes have smaller apertures, they are not as affected by light pollution. This makes them good for city use.

You can still get clear images of the night sky even living in a light polluted area.

They eliminate comatic aberrations

Cassegrain telescopes do a good job of eliminating comatic aberrations. This is because they use a corrector plate that helps correct this aberration.

Cassegrain Telescope Cons

The Cassegrain telescope also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of:

More expensive

One of the main disadvantages of the Cassegrain telescope is that it is more expensive than the Dobsonian telescope. This is because they are more complex to manufacture.

Require more maintenance

Cassegrain telescopes also require more maintenance than Dobsonian telescopes. This is because they have more moving parts.

You will need to align the lenses and mirrors regularly to ensure that they are working properly.

Dobsonian Vs. Cassegrain: Which One Should I Choose

Choosing between Dobsonian Vs. Cassegrain will depend on a variety of factors which include the following, among others:


If you plan on using your telescope for long-exposure photography or planetary observation, then the Dobsonian telescope is a great choice. However, the Cassegrain telescope is a better option if you want a more portable telescope that provides clear and accurate images.

Where you live

If you live in the city and intend to use your telescope mainly for observing the night sky, then the Cassegrain telescope is a good choice. This is because they are less affected by light pollution.

They come with smaller apertures which make them good for city use.


Another factor that you need to consider is your budget. The Dobsonian telescope is a great choice if you are on a tight budget.

However, the Cassegrain telescope is more expensive.

Your experience

If you are just starting out in astronomy, then the Dobsonian telescope is a great choice. This is because they are easier to use and require less maintenance.

However, if you have some experience with using telescopes, then the Cassegrain telescope might be a better option for you.

What will be observing?

I must also mention that what you intend to observe with your telescope is also a factor you must consider. For planetary observation, the Cassegrain telescope is a great choice.

However, if you want to observe deep-sky objects, then the Dobsonian telescope is a better option.

Is magnification more important to you?

You are better off getting the Cassegrain telescope if magnification is more important to you. This is because they have longer focal lengths, which provide better magnification.

However, they are also more expensive and require more maintenance.

Do you want a more portable telescope?

The Cassegrain telescope is a better choice if you want a more portable telescope. This is because they are smaller in size.

Dobsonian Vs Cassegrain: FAQ

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Dobsonian Vs. Cassegrain telescopes:

Which one is better for beginners? Dobsonian or Cassegrain?

For people just starting out in astronomy, the Dobsonian telescope is a great choice. This is because they are easier to use and require less maintenance.

They also come with an Altizimuth mount which makes them very stable.

Which one is better for planetary observation? Dobsonian or Cassegrain?

The Dobsonian telescope is a great choice for planetary observation. This is because they come with large apertures, which provide clear and accurate images.

Are Dobsonian telescopes good for long-exposure photography?

Dobsonian telescopes are great for long-exposure photography. This is because they come with large apertures, which allow more light to enter the telescope.

This results in clearer and more accurate images.

Are Maksutov-Cassegrain and Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes the same?

Both Maksutov-Cassegrain and Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes use the Cassegrain design. However, they are not the same.

The Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope has a spherical corrector lens, while the Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope has a convex corrector lens.

What is the difference between Dobsonian and Newtonian telescopes?

The main difference between Dobsonian and Newtonian telescopes is the type of mount. Dobsonian telescopes come with an Altazimuth mount, while Newtonian telescopes come with an Equatorial mount.

What is the difference between a reflector and a refractor telescope?

The main difference between a reflector and a refractor telescope is the type of lens. Reflector telescopes use mirrors, while refractor telescopes use lenses.

What is the difference between a Dobsonian and a Cassegrain telescope?

The main difference between a Dobsonian and a Cassegrain telescope is that A Dobsonian telescope is a reflector telescope while a Cassegrain telescope is a catadioptric telescope.

Final Thoughts

There are several differences between Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes. It is important to consider these factors before deciding which one is right for you.

If you are just starting out in astronomy, then the Dobsonian telescope is a great choice. 

However, if you have experience using telescopes, then the Cassegrain telescope might be a better option for you. I hope this article has helped you understand the difference between Dobsonian and Cassegrain telescopes. Happy observing.

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