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Featured Posts

  • How to Autoguide Telescope without a Computer

    How to Autoguide Telescope without a Computer

    Autoguiding a telescope without a computer is possible by the use of Stand-Alone Guiders. You can also opt for the DSLR which has the capability of performing an auto-guide without the help of a computer. The auto-guide is advantageous for making photography on target objects simpler, especially when you have deep-sky objects that are too…

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  • Can you Polar Align without Polaris?

    Can you Polar Align without Polaris?

    Yes. You can polar align a telescope’s polar axis without having a visual on Polaris. Use the following steps to adjust for polar alignment without Polaris.  It is tough to align your polar axis without seeing the North Celestial Pole, but you can do it closely. It would be best if you were patient with…

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Latest Posts

  • What Telescope Would be Best for DSO Astrophotography?

    What Telescope Would be Best for DSO Astrophotography?

    The night sky has always captivated human imagination with its shimmering stars and the enigmatic beauty of distant galaxies and other celestial objects. If you are passionate about delving deeper into the universe and experiencing its wonders, one of the best ways to do this is through astrophotography. It offers us a unique opportunity to…

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  • Exposure Time for Astrophotography With Calculator

    Exposure Time for Astrophotography With Calculator

    Astrophotography is an amazing art that allows us to have a glimpse of the depths of the universe. Through it, we are able to capture wonderful celestial images that we wouldn’t see with the naked eye.  However, there are many factors and parameters that affect the quality of the images we capture through astrophotography. One…

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  • What Can You See With 100x Magnification Telescope?

    What Can You See With 100x Magnification Telescope?

    With the 100x magnification telescope, you can see the craters on the moon, the rings of Saturn, and the moons of Jupiter. You can also see galaxies and nebulae. Saturn and Jupiter are well visible. The moon is amazing. Venus’ phases are visible. Uranus appears as a small blue dot when viewed at arm’s length.…

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  • How to See Pluto with a Telescope

    How to See Pluto with a Telescope

    One of the celestial bodies that has always remained elusive and quite enigmatic in our Solar System for many years is Pluto. Nestled way beyond Neptune, Pluto has been a major subject of intrigue, fascination, and controversy among astronomers, experienced and amateurs alike.  Its demotion from its fully-fledged planetary status in 2006 by the IAU…

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  • How to Safely Observe the Sun with a Telescope

    How to Safely Observe the Sun with a Telescope

    The Sun has always captivated human curiosity for many years. The radiant gas-filled celestial object is at the heart of our Solar System and has a lot of features that are interesting to look at. From its enigmatic solar flares to the ever-changing surface, the Sun has a lot to fascinate any astronomer, whether experienced…

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  • How to See Titan with a Telescope

    How to See Titan with a Telescope

    Observing the night sky has always been a timeless fascination for many people. The glimpse at the vast celestial mysteries in our universe can be breathtaking. But one of the most fascinating objects that steal the spotlight is the magnificent Ringed Planet Saturn and its moons. And talking about Saturn’s moons, there is one that…

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