Can you Polar Align without Polaris?




Polar Alignment Without Polaris


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Yes. You can polar align a telescope’s polar axis without having a visual on Polaris. Use the following steps to adjust for polar alignment without Polaris. 

  • Adjust the Base 
  • Mount Telescope and Adjust Elevation 
  • Adjust Declination 
  • Trial Test 
  • The azimuth of the Polar Axis Adjustments
  • Refine Adjustment to the Elevation Angle 
  • Final Testing 

It is tough to align your polar axis without seeing the North Celestial Pole, but you can do it closely. It would be best if you were patient with the process to adjust to the nearest proximity to the Polaris. 

What You Need to Polar Align without Polaris

You will require a compass to identify North, south, east, and west on your location. Moreover, you’ll need a ruler and pencil to mark the compass where you will place your telescope.

Alternatively, you can use duct tape to create a compass on the floor to place a telescope on top. 

Additionally, it would help if you had a laptop to help you record your readings and identify your positions concerning the Polaris. Keep software that maps stars near to help you identify stars when you are at unfamiliar locations. 

Step 1: Adjust the Base 

Start by aligning the base of the telescope to the celestial polar axis. Use a compass to determine north or south, depending on your geographic location.

Ensure that there aren’t any metal components when near the compass when identifying North and South. 

Go to the location you want to place your telescope and draw a line pointing North. Also, draw another line showing east and west.

The final product should be an X spot when your telescope should be. 

Set the tripod on the lines such that two legs are standing on the west and east line, while the final leg stands in the north or south direction. Use a bubble level to adjust the tripod until it is level before mounting a telescope.

It’s challenging to level a base when the telescope is mounted because it will be heavy. 

Step 2: Mount Telescope and Adjust Elevation 

Once your mount is level, you need to mount your telescope and adjust for elevation. You can speed up the process by pointing your telescope into a local meridian.

Use your meridian marker to match it to the Right Ascension indicator. Your optical aperture should align with the East-West line for the telescope to face the local Meridian. 

Adjust the Elevation of the Polar Axis until your observation field doesn’t change by more than 1º degree in latitude. You don’t need to adjust the elevation once you can track celestial bodies 110 KM north or south without losing them. 

Step 3: Adjust Declination 

The measurement of the declination circle should be 0º, even when you have two declination circles. Your optical axis should be aligned to the East-West direction, and the Right Ascension pointer should point 6 hours away from the local Meridian.

If your telescope doesn’t meet the previous requirement, you need to start the adjustment process again. 

Overall, the telescope shouldn’t move in declination when you move it in the East and West directions when looking up at the sky. Constantly adjust your telescope’s declination according to the latitude of your observation field. 

Step 4: Trial Test 

A trial test is the only way to identify whether your telescope faces Polaris when you can’t see the celestial body. There are several steps to achieving a successful trial test and making crucial adjustments to achieve accurate Polaris.

Start by tracking celestial objects using various lenses. 

  • Tracking 

Start by tracking celestial objects using the low-power eyepieces for tens of minutes continuously. Once you identify that you can see clearly under the low power eyepiece, you can move onto the medium eyepiece and try to see the sky for ten minutes straight.

You can make a few adjustments to clarify your sight. 

It will be necessary to make adjustments to your high-powered eyepiece to clarify images. Moreover, a clear image will be useful in astrophotography because it enables you to capture clear images. 

  • Locate Objects 

An excellent way to determine the accuracy of a telescope regarding pointing your telescope towards Polaris is identifying fixed celestial bodies. You can identify stars, planets, or constellations that are near your latitude.

Most constellations move depending on the time of year, but you can identify their location through astrophotography software. 

Turn on the Right Ascension tracking mechanism so that the marker indicates the Local Sidereal Time. It would be best if you readjusted the Right Ascension circle every time you view a fixed celestial object before moving onto the next one. 

Use a star catalog to assist you identify the stars you use for your tracking mechanism. Adjust the Right Ascension Circle as often to minimize the margin of error for the period you view a celestial body. 

  • Refined Adjustments

Refined adjustments are used to refine an image for astrophotography, but they are handy when determining the alignment of a telescope to the North Celestial Pole. Observing celestial objects for a few minutes shows the direction that the object is drifting. 

The process uses geographical reference points to make adjustments and increase proximity towards Polaris. Below is a description of how to carry out two adjustments to correct your positioning of the Polaris Axis. 

Step 5: Azimuth of the Polar Axis Adjustments

The adjustment corrects the positioning of the telescope following the Meridian. Therefore, corrections focus on adjusting drifts that are too far on the East or West.

Start by tracking a celestial body for a couple of minutes at a Declination of approximately 0º near the Meridian.

Note the direction of the Declination drift on several observations. Objects drifting North indicate a Polar Axis that is mounted too West.

Objects drifting South show a Polar Axis that is mounted too East. Correct the Azimuth of the Polar Axis to eliminate the Declination drift you are recording.

Meaning, you need to make observations after adjustments until you stop seeing a Declination drift. 

Step 6: Refine Adjustment to the Elevation Angle 

Adjusting the elevation angle of the Polaris Axis requires a different set of adjustments. Start by looking at a star with a Declination of approximately 0º using the high power eyepiece.

The star should be close to the eastern horizon if you want to get an accurate reading. 

Observe the start for a few minutes and note the direction it drifts. A celestial object drifting to the North indicates that the Polaris Axis points too high.

A South drift indicates a Polaris Axis mount point is too low. Make the necessary adjustments to eliminate the drift. 

Step 7: Final Testing 

The final testing ensures that you can track fixed celestial bodies for tens of minutes without any readjustments. You can make additional adjustments until you achieve the ideal resolution for astrophotography.

Moreover, your readings will help you see whether you have polar align your telescope without Polaris before you start tracking or photographing celestial bodies. 

Importance of Polar Alignment

The North Celestial Pole is an anchor when exploring celestial bodies because Polaris doesn’t move much through the year like other celestial bodies. Therefore, it is an excellent place to start when exploring space using the compass. 

It simplifies the tracking of new stars or other celestial bodies accurately for astrophotography or exploration of the skies. Overall, exploring the skies without polar alignment can make tracking celestial bodies hard. 

How Accurate is Polar Alignment without Polaris?

It is possible to align a telescope’s polar axis to the north celestial pole with a small margin error without using Polaris. Most people in the southern hemisphere can’t see Polaris due to their geographical location.

Therefore, anyone who can’t see Polaris needs to find other accurate means to polar align without Polaris.

The method discussed above is known as Drift Alignments as it aligns the polar axis depending on how far celestial drift on a compass. It’s more like identifying the location of a celestial body from your telescope and comparing the observations with the real-time location of the body.

You can readjust your polar axis alignments to fix the drift, enabling you to observe celestial bodies in their true positions. You can align the axis up to ±5º without seeing Polaris.

You can align your polar axis to within ±1º with practice. Overall, you can accurately determine your polar alignment without Polaris if you use the proper methods. 

Are There Polar Alignment Gadgets?

Yes. Some gadgets can assist you in achieving polar alignment without Polaris. Additionally, you can find software that allows you to do a polar alignment in minutes.

However, it may cost you a lot of money, especially if you are into astrophotography as a hobby. Overall, the Drift Alignment method is a simple and cost-free method for anyone who understands telescopes. 


It would be best to mark the best location and adjustments for polar alignments if you use the same sport for astrophotography. However, you need to learn how to do polar alignment without Polaris if you are always on the move. 

It would be best if you had a basic understanding of setting up a telescope and finding the north celestial pole. Knowledge of stars can make blind mapping the sky to find the Polaris a complex but doable task.

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